Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Real Talk.

We all have known the ones who laugh the loudest are hurting the most. 

       Yesterday, we lost an amazing human being on Earth. Robin Williams. He is all everyone is talking about, as he should be. He was such an inspirational, hysterical, amazing man. Let me just say this before you read any further, NO, I am not applauding him committing suicide, but as one who suffers -- after you have fought and fought for soooo long, I guess he just did not have the will power or support to push forward anymore.
      I don't particularly know why this has affected me so dearly. Possibly because I have always been a fan of his work, or the fact that he reminds me of my own father, I am not sure. He really knew how to really pull you into the feelings his character feels. He always knew how to become his character and gave 10000% effort each time. He was so so funny, but I am just restating what we all already know.

      Throughout the day, I heard a lot of negativeness towards the death. "How could someone like him be so depressed", "how selfish", "he had everything he could want, why just throw it all away" etc. The fact is, yes, suicide is so selfish. He is leaving behind family, friends, fans; but none of us really know what his daily battle was. I do not ever expect an "average" person to understand this. No one should take their own life, it should always be God's timing, but who are we to judge a man who has been tormented his whole life by this depression. It really is a monster.
       A really good friend of mine posted this video on facebook, and it honestly never had been more clear then when this guy said these words. This video is for both the depressed and those who have friends or family that are depressed. I was so blessed to have such a loving, strong, supportive family through my life of struggling and being depressed. It is not that we choose to be this way...we just cannot help it. HERE is the link to the youtube video, seriously watch it. It is only 3 minutes long. 

      I will end my little ramble here, I am getting teary-eyed just looking back on it. My deepest condolences to his family. We all know he must have been amazing to know personally. I hope y'all have a great rest of the day. I am going to hop off the computer and go live my life surrounded by people whom I care about.

I love you all. so so much.

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