Saturday, March 22, 2014

How's It Goin' Bros?

Yes. I am obsessed with youtube. I spend more time on youtube watching Pewdiepie, Cryaotic, Markiplier, CinnamonToastKen, Tobuscus, Smosh, etc.... then anything else in my life. I wish my job could be to watch their videos all day and all night <3 I would be so happy with my life lmao.
When I am having a shitty day all I have to do is go onto Pewdiepie's or Markiplier's channel and watch a few videos, then I am all smiles. I am literally jamming out to Pewdiepie's remixes xD It is just so so good. AHHH I wish my life was theirs. I want to play video games all day and make it funny and put it on youtube and make people laugh and smile as hard as I do when I watch their videos! :3 That would just be freaking epic...If I didn't suck so much at playing scary games, then I think I have the ability to be a youtube sensation. :D
WEEEELLLL on another note. YES. I am moving back to New Jersey in September. This is all too bittersweet for me. I am extremely homesick and miss my family and being close to the ones who support me the most. I also love it here in Texas so much. I love my work family, my foundation. I just want to have a place called Cassiopeia where everyone live and I wouldn't have to choose :(
I will be living la vida loca this summer as it is my last summer in Texas until further notice. I will be visiting though! Also, I may bitch about my job a lot but regardless it is a great job, great pay and benefits, and always giving free product to us partners. I will miss my coworkers terribly *not all...but most*....

I really do not know why I am awake so freaking early. This is unholy....I woke up at 7:40, and I have work at 10, but I still never am awake this early. I figured I would blog a few events before getting ready for work :) I am probably not even gonna get ready. Once I finish this I will probably go play Pokemon X on my 3DSXL :P Oh the life of a gamer. <3
ALSO! I will be trying out how to Vlog soon! Keep your eyes out for that :) I figured people get tired of reading these posts and it is easier to just watch a video of me talking :P I am very excited and nervous to do that! I still have NO IDEA how to edit videos or all that jazz WEE!! I will be doing some researching and stuff.
Anyway, I will leave on that note. :) Y'all have a great day today and I will be posting soon!!
I love you all,
