Sunday, March 30, 2014

hmm hmm hmm...

I haven't blogged in quite a while.
What can I say, I am excited to go back home, yet overwhelmed at how much stuff I need to do before move back date. I have to pack, pay off my car, get my car drivable for 1,800 miles back home!!! That stresses me out the most...will my car be able to drive 1800+ miles to NJ from TX?? >_< I really hope so! It'll cost a lot to get her in tip shape and for gas and tolls but I am excited to go back to the beach area, I belong there with my family. I am suuuper stoked that my mom and sister are flying down to help me drive up, I just hope my kitties can handle this drive! 28 hours >___> cheezus..
I am at a conflict with my job. They never have had an issue with my facial piercings and suddenly there is a dress code policy against facial piercings....I REFUSE to take my snake bites and nose piercing out! I feel so ugly without them :( They define who I am, along with my hair colors. I do not feel that I need to change my appearance if I am an exceptionally hard worker. No way, jose.
I will most likely loose my job because I will not abide by this "new" rule, so I am at a cross road. I would loooveee to move back home sooner, but I need to pay off my car before I leave. So I will be back to job hunting, trying to find another job. It is just terribly stressful. I get good hours and great pay at my job...should I just conform and strip my face naked of my metal for a miserable job? :| I have some soul searching to do.
On another note, I am feeling stronger and more confident by the day. I am eating healthier, working out as often as possible, getting back into the video games I enjoy the most. I am trying to focus more on myself rather then others. I need to get myself in the best shape possible. Life is about to get real rocky for me, and I need to be ready for it.
I cannot wrap my brain around how obessed I have become over Loki from Thor. The character and actor <3 oh make me melt!!!! I do not know what it is with me and the bad guys. aaalllwaaayysss the bad guys. I love the way that Tom Hiddleston portrays Loki's character (god of mischief) . <3 goodness. can I just say that I need to take an ice cold shower just watching the movies with him in it! Juuuust throwing that out there. :P

Alas, I am going to lay down and rest. It was nice having 3 days off, but it is back to work tomorrow *IF I even have a job any longer after tomorrow !

I love you all <3 XOXO!~

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