Friday, April 4, 2014

This Is My Life~

I am claiming it back

I never imagined I would actually create the willpower to do this, but I have never been so determined and excited about anything in my life!! I am using every drop of motivation in my body to loose weight! I started on Monday, and I feel absolutely amazing!! I knoooow results take time, and I am extremely impatient, but I will not be discouraged this time. I am claiming my body back, and throwing a big middle finger in obesity's face!

I guess reality hit me when I was just messing around my friend's work and weighed myself. 300lbs. I do not think I look nor do I even FEEL like I am 300 lbs...But it is true. I really let myself go. I was just so content with existing but not really living my life. I was just content with my relationship and kept telling myself no matter how much weight I gain, I will always be loved by this person. BUT that is not always the case. Gaining this much weight has made me so lethargic and depressed that I was so unbearable to be around. I was a drag.

I do not know how I let myself get this bad, but I am going to change this body, FOR ME, and I will never go back. I am in a graveyard, digging up a hole, and I am burying the old Cassie for good. 

No more depression, no more relying on others for my happiness. No more wasting calories on drinks and sweets, no more thinking life will get better on its own. I am taking the stand and I am changing! and honestly, I never have felt so alive! 
I am excited to go back to NJ, get back involved in the church. I am excited to get fit so I can really interact with missions trips and soup kitchens and charities. I want to live my life to the fullest, and make a name for myself. I want to give this world all I have to offer. I will not sit on my butt and do nothing anymore! And hopefully through my trials and errors, I will get my blogs more and more well known :) Being a blogger is one of my many dreams.

I am ready. And I want to personally thank you all for the MASSIVE amounts of support I have received. All your support is the voices in my head that tell me to grab carrots, apples, and bananas instead of a donut or cookies or chips. I am EXCITED BEYOND COMPARE to be almost 1 week clean of any soda, chips, and sweets!!!!! Also white bread, rice, and pastas! I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE FUTURE.

Thank you all!! 
I love you to the moon and back!!


  1. <3 lovely! you can do it! when you come back I would be honored to join you for soup kitchens, GTL and whatever we wanna do bby!

    1. :D thank you Montana!! <3 YES lets do charities and random acts of kindness and GTL and anime cons!!!! <3
