Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Meal Plan & More Cardio

That is what I really need to do now.
I weighed myself today, and I gained a pound this week :| I am trying my best to not feel discouraged. I know that this could be water weight, or muscle which is heavier then fat. But I need to not focus so much on the weights now, but more on cardio. I need to keep going.
I am creating a meal plan for next week. I will eat the same foods for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks every day. I don't mind it. I am basically doing that already. I am so ready for more stability on my diet, not going day by day and winging what I will eat. So far I have this


  • 2 egg whites
  • bowl of granola, flax, and fruit


  • celery w/ peanut butter


  • kale/spinach salad with 1 serving tuna
  • trail mix


  • fruit or protein bar/shake


  • 1 serving chicken
  • 1 serving brown rice
  • 2 servings steamed or raw vegetables

I think this will best work with my schedule HOPEFULLY. Keeping these in check with my work schedule and not being able to bring my own lunch is really challenging. But hey, the joys of working in a grocery store is I can just walk over to the produce department and get an apple or banana when I am feeling a bit dizzy.

I am not going to be discouraged, and keep my determination high. I am off 'till Friday so I will bust my hump with cardio and hiking. I am so ready ! I have never been more ready to claim my body in my whole life. I have always been overweight. I am ready!

Thank you so so much to everyone who has supported me so much through this big change in my life. I also want to especially thank Belinda Gutierrez for the HUGE support and pointers you have been giving me! You are such an inspiration to me, and really are a great help! <3 Thank you!
I love you all, 

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