Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Here We Go Again...

I know that's probably what y'all are thinking when I post blogs :P

Especially blogs about being home sick... Unfortunately that's really the only emotion I have been feeling for the past month. I miss my family so terribly....my heart aches to be back home with them. My mother's health concerns me so much.I should be there taking care of her. I know I am not responsible, but I know as the oldest it is my rightful place to be there for her. She has taken care of me since the day God placed me in her womb....I owe this much to her. She is my best friend. And I would never trade our relationship for the world! God knew what he was doing when he chose her for my mother.

I miss my dad, too. We had a horrible relationship when I was younger, but we have an amazing relationship now. Sure, he may still be short tempered...Irish people usually are :P And I miss us going fishing, and don't get him started in Dale Earnhardt (3) or trucks! It is his passion. And I may not know too much, but I would do anything to sit at a diner and strike up a conversation with him about NASCAR just to see him talk so passionately about something. He is such an amazing man, and I am so proud to call him my father.

My younger sisters, Amber & Cayla, they're my Jackassettes. They've has always been my ride-or-die, and witnessed me at my lowest points in life. I wish I could take those moments back, but I feel it might've made us closer in the end. I would do anything for them, and cannot wait for the memories we will be creating together when I trek back to NJ! 

Last, but not least, my baby brother Brandon. He...well....I disliked him extremely growing up. He was the miracle child of our family, and always got the attention. He was adorable AND charming. Smart AND witty. He was, honestly, the McKeown's gift. I love him to death now. I wish I did not treat him so badly while growing up, yet he has forgiven me through all and never ever showed me nothing but love. He is, truely, an example of amazing humility and love. I adore you, B-Child. 

I do not know where I would be without any of these members of my amazing, strange family. I don't think I would be the person I am today. I am not saying I am amazing or great in any way. I am extremely human, even though I wish I wasn't. I cannot wait to move back to NJ. I am so so torn, because I LOVE San Antonio. All the people here who have impacted my life...I will miss you all sooo much...but it is seriously time for me to return to my roots. The Jersey Shore is calling me back, and like the waves, must return to my ocean. East Coast for ever!! <3

Thank you so much Amber, Cayla, && Brandon for playing Super Smash Brawl && Mario Cart with me today. I really do cherish all the time we get together, even if it is us facetiming and playing video games together. You guys are the best siblings a gal could ever ask for. Thank God you are my siblings. I had such a blast today...I miss you guys...Always && Forever!!

I love you all, and thanks for staying tuned for another picture filled ramble of my deepest thoughts :) Y'all are the bestest eveerrrrrr!!

Kewin Child

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