Monday, April 21, 2014

Living With Your Ex - or - Living With Your Best Friend?

I have been getting asked a lot of questions about this.
It really is no big deal to me. I mean, sure it hurts sometimes but I know this is for the best. We both saw us parting to our own ways for a while now. Sure, we still love each other as friends, but we are not IN-LOVE with each other. There is no attraction. I feel like we are just two good friends living together. Roomies.
I can see how this is unhealthy in many people's eyes. We have history. 6 1/2 years of history to be exact. We have been together FOREVER, inseparable for the past 3 years. My whole life had revolved around her. And I am not complaining. I learned A LOT in this period of time, and learned how to live independently and on my own. It also made me realize that when you cherish your friendship with someone more then your relationship, you work twice as hard to keep that friendship. That is why we ended it.
I don't see us ever NOT being friends in the future. Sure, when we do eventually move on to others, it will sting my heart. It hurts being replaced, c'mon. Who are we really kidding. But I wont be selfish about it, I will be happy and support her. She deserves a great person in her life who can make her smile and laugh all the time like I did. And I do too. But not anytime soon.
Hell no -- I am not looking to get into a relationship or date or even THINK about that stuff. Again, 6 1/2 years of it is enough. I am ready to re-claim my youth and invest my time and energy into bigger things, bigger then me, bigger then LIFE! My mind is not even focused on those things. And I feel I will start pulling away from those who do distract me from being the amazing person I know I am. I will start reading the bible again, and I am going to start having close conversations with God like I used to. Our relationship is just so amazing. He is the all-loving father, no matter what I do He always loves me and stands by me to take me back. I have been distant from the Lord for quite some years now, and that's too long.
NO. I wont be one of those Christians who bash and look down on the sins of the world. I will never discourage anyone for having different beliefs or their lifestyles, I have been there done that. I am just so ready to love people. I have so much to give, time to stop hiding!!
I don't expect anyone to understand the life I have, and why things happen. I don't fully understand them either, but no time to tread on the past. Time to look forward and live in this precious present.
I love you all. Seriously. Thank you

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