Sunday, May 18, 2014


There are 365 days in a whole year, can just ONE fkn day be MINE?! Can just ONE day be focused on making me happy and keeping me smiling?! WHY do people insist on making things always about THEM?! I do NOT ask for much, ever. I am the most easy going, usually happy, make everyone smile always human alive. The cheapest date on the planet. I have only asked for ONE day, and JESUS can I tell you this is NOT HOW I IMAGINED IT. (almost) everyone I have spoken to has managed to make it about THEM.
I am the most pissed off person on earth at the moment. I literally am about to drink this bottle of amaretto BY MYSELF and for-fucking-get about today. Sure, I had fun in the beginning. Then it got annoying. I shrugged it off, and it got worse. SERIOUSLY. I do NOT mean to sound like a little brat right now but LET ME HAVE MY FREAKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!! Just SHUT up about your problems and your feelings. Today I DO NOT CARE.
Yeah yeah, I get it. You are the only one who can control your emotions and how the events in a day effect your mood and the way your day pans out. Well, I don't feel I should HAVE to. I literally sat in the tub and just CRIED my eyeballs out of my face.
Yes - I am homesick. Yes - I am going to miss my friends here. Yes - I just want to disappear right now. Yes - I tend to hurt people with my words and actions. Yes - I do not care about anyone and their feelings right now. Yes - I am pissed off and it's too late to even make things right. Yes - I might be an alcoholic. & Yes - This makes no damn sense.
This may be the RAGING Taurus bull in me but fuck. just FUCK.

I do not care what people think right now, just needed to get this damn ramble out so I can try to enjoy the rest of this night and drinks.

GAH. I feel better.

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