Friday, May 23, 2014

I stretch myself too thin...

My health has become a huge thing in my life the past 2 days. 
My blood pressure has been out the roof. I have been at first stage hypertension since I can remember. Yes, the stress of living on my own, bills, work, and money really have been effecting me lately. More then usual. I had to call in yesterday due to extreme pains throughout my body. My ribs felt like they had been kicked in, my stomach was turned, my head was pounding and I was hearing a high-pitch sound. To top it off, my ankles were so swollen it HURT so bad to walk.
This really really scared me. Only thing holding me back from going to the Emergency Room was I couldn't drive myself and that I had NO IDEA where the heck the hospital is here. I also became extremely tired and ended up sleeping most of the day. I never have been more serious about my health in my life. I finally am determined to find my purpose in life and I actually WANT to be alive, and of course my heart would start giving me the slip.
I began researching and found that garlic, omega-3, and apple-cider vinegar helps reduce blood pressure. The apple-cider vinegar tastes like ASS. It is the worst thing I have had, EVER. I love garlic so eating it straight is not an issue. I will be buying omega-3 pills this weekend but I have been eating fish for now. My diet is changing completely too. A very vegetable/fruit rich diet, with little carbs. I need to get back on my A-game.
I found myself being very dizzy this morning when I woke up, but not as swollen as usual. I also found my body not aching as much. I did take another day to just monitor myself and make sure I am feeling better. I do not want anything happening to me at work. I did go for a 35 minute walk/jog this morning, and I feel great so far. I do notice when I am doing cardio though, my fingers swell up to the point of being a bit painful due to the pressure. I need to keep my arms above my heart while exercising next time, the swelling becomes a bit too much for me.
Also, I retain A LOT of water. I do consume about 6-10 waterbottles a day, so about 96-160 fl oz of water daily. I am really trying to avoid doctors or hospitals until I return back to New Jersey, where they actually do take the insurance I am under. I am too far in debt to add another bill to the mix...that will just stress me out more. I am blessed to have such great family and friends concerned with my health. It does make the matter just that much more serious. I just want to get healthy, getting skinny isn't even a goal anymore. I want to get my body and heart strong, stronger then it has ever been. It is so hard being overweight. I have been the fat overweight girl my whole life, and I am putting my foot down now. This is enough. I am done with this. Time to take this shit seriously now.
Fresh fruits & veggies, walking, yoga, hot baths, and water will be my best friends for the next few months until I can tame this blood pressure of mine. I will continue forcing the apple-cider vinegar down and will proceed with eating garlic and protein. I am excited to be healthy...that counts for something right? I cannot wait to live by the ocean again, it will do wonders for my soul.

I love you all, I will keep you posted. 

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