Sunday, February 9, 2014


I do suffer...

I miss my family terribly. Everyday that I wake up and realize the huge decision I made to leave all I knew and all I love to move to Texas could have been a real drastic one. I do, some days, regret the move.
I am missing so many wonderful moments and changes with my family. I do feel like I should be there. I dunno...I am so torn because I love it here in San Antonio and my new friends I have made make it bearable.
Also, with technology it is easy to keep in contact with my little siblings and my mom and dad. I do need a good long visit every once in a while, though the days pass like sand through my fingers...It is never enough.
I bought my little brother Pokemon Y for his birthday and we have been constantly trading Pokemon and face timing while playing everyday. It has been such a bonding experience for us. Who says Pokemon isn't fun :P heh
The past trip in December, I was so happy we were able to create such amazing memories together. I look back at how far apart we were. All 4 of us didn't get along and we fought so so much. Mainly because of me, I was dealing with so much. Now, we just cant get enough of each other :) and I wouldn't have it any other way!
I cannot believe how old we are getting either! I will be 22 this May, my brother just turned 16, my sisters will be 19 and 17 in February and April! D: SO SCARY! I really hate how time flies faster now that I am getting older! Aaahhh I feel like sometimes I am thinking what have I even done with my life.
On the plus side, work has been great! I absolutely adore my coworkers. I do love them all, and would do anything for them. I feel like a big HEB family. They really keep me going strong and not be sad. I enjoy my job, even at times that I say I wanna quit :P

Well, I must get out of here! Laundry wont do itself!
I love you all


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