Saturday, February 1, 2014

aaaaand this is how the cookie crumbles...

Hello loves,
I have been gone for a few days from blog, my apologies. I have been running around like a chicken without a head. Yesterday (about 9pm on January 31st) Grandma Victoria took her last breath and joined her husband in heaven. I know I am happy she is no longer suffering, but I do feel super sad not having her here on earth with me...I miss going to her house to see the cats and dog there, cooking her meals, having a smoke with her. She was so so awesome...I miss her terribly. I am so lucky to have a job that understands family matters. I will be back in San Antonio by Wednesday back to work.
I have been driving soooo much, I am so mentally exhausted. I drove 4 hours down here on Sunday, 4 hours back here on Wednesday, worked Thursday, helped a friend pack up, move, and clean his old apartment ALL night/morning to Friday, then Friday night drove 4 hours back down here. I had NO sleep, and kept stopping in each town to try to stay awake. Plus, not blogging has made my mind a fortress for thoughts and depression.
I miss my kitties back at home terribly! I am really hoping they will be alright for me being gone so long. I left them a bunch of bowls of food and water around last night before I took off to come back here to McAllen, but I still worry. They are my babies! Emma, my blood thirsty hamster too! I miss her a lot. <3

I went to the flee market here today :3 got a score of 24 movies for 20 bucks, and these amazing orange gummy candies covered in chamoy! SO DELICOUS!!! I seriously love the foods and snacks of Texas, they really blow my mind. This stand had a bunch of little cups with different snacks that you could buy for a dollar and they would top it off with chamoy and chili powder :3 TO DIE FOR!!!
Grandma's viewing is Monday and the funeral service is Tuesday. By Tuesday evening we will be back on the road to San Antonio. I am not sure I am ready to grasp grandma's passing. I am still in shock, trying to grasp the fact that she is no longer with us. I cant just get in my car and drive to her house just because I miss her. I cant call her anymore to make sure she is feeling alright. I miss her so much already...I fear for when it hits me that she is really gone.
(grandma's view from her room)

I will write tomorrow, I have been coming to the local Starbucks to write these blogs for all of you <3 :) I am staying strong. I am about to indulge myself in some Mang-O-Ritas :) I will sleep well tonight. 
I love you all,

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