Friday, January 24, 2014


I am so so happy the weekend is finally here. I always look forward to my Sundays off! :) and it should warm up by then so I will be able to really push myself to go hiking!! (I overslept last Sunday >_<) I hope it warms up. All the schools were closed today due to the ice everywhere!! My windows were re-iced through the night too! It is just such crazy weather for Texas. It is supposed to get back down into the lower thirties tonight which SUCKS since I will be at work till 1am tonight :( (Explains why I am getting this blog out before I go in).
I am, also, very proud of myself because my new years resolution was to not touch my hair starting January 1st until April. No cutting, no dying, nothing!! D: It has been extremely hard but I am determined to give my hair this much needed break. I will eventually get it back to browns and blonds in my hair, no more crazy colors. :( I do miss my blueish turquoise and pinkish purple. Just the fact that I could pull it off made me love it so much. 
I am not sure what to think with this month already coming to an end! This year is already flying by! My little brother turns 16 next week and I am a bit saddened that I will not be there to celebrate with him. I already sent out my gift to him, which I know he will love :3 Its so crazy how time just keeps going. My little sisters are turning 17 and 19 this year!! D: OH stop growing okay?! I will be 22, god....I am old -.-

I am happy to say that my mother got home from Jerusalem safely with no major health issues. I am so relieved. That was such a stress for me. My mom is my world and I worry constantly for her. If anything happens to her, the family does crumble apart. We all become headless chickens! :P

Alas, I am going to try to nap before work tonight! :) Feel free to drop texts to me!
I love you all,