Monday, January 27, 2014

What a looooooong night....

Real Talk.
I slept a total of about a hour last night. I really don't mind all too much because I was there for grandma but her pain was on such a high scale, the morphine wasn't doing anything. Every two hours they would give her morphine. It would take 30-40 minutes to kick in, shed sleep for about 30 minutes, then wake up crying in excruciating pain again :( It really hurt to see her like that. She has been sleeping for most of the morning/afternoon so far she only woke up once. She is still internally bleeding but we have some paperwork to go through :\ It can never just work out, no one can ever just help her out. My heart aches.
On the plus side, I took the most refreshing shower in ze world!!! Melt my skin off status. LOL. I was able to do my makeup and have music therapy :3 I love my strange Japanese music to lift my mood. I also got the BEST Green-Tea Frapp at Starbucks today before heading back to the hospital. Just the caffeine boost I needed. Me && Santos are trying to stay sane on the littlest bit of sleep >_< I need a drink so badly.
I am dreading the drive back to San Antonio by myself >____< I will need to talk to myself and make a new CD or two so i dont fall asleep! I am sure I will be okay buuuut four hours by myself solo EEEHHHHHHH I could go insane. :P

I am so excited to finally go eat something beside hospital vending machine snacks >.< BLEH! haha. I think I need to party soon.....I need to get CRUNK. I am going insane in this hospital. SO MUCH TIME ALONE. SO DANGEROUS. :P Plus Ill be in San Antonio alone for 2 days HOLY HELL....That is scary. I need my foundation crew to get crazy with <3 I love you guys miss you all!! Thank you everyone for all the loving texts and calls concerning grandma Victoria, We are staying strong. I get bored here through the night at the hotel and will be staying here again tonight. Anyone wana keep me company, shoot me a text or message me via FACEBOOK.
I love you all,


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you love, I did get back safe as you already know :) so your prayers worked!!
