Sunday, January 19, 2014

What is Life??

Let's take a moment to let that sink in....

I feel like lately I had gotten lost in "life". I woke up, laid in bed until I had to go into work, come home absolutely exhausted and fall asleep. I can honestly say I felt like I was a robot just barely making it by. I would smile and laugh along with people but inside, I was really hurting.

Lately I have felt like I have not been living, just merely existing. It is sad to say I lost the meaning of life when I became overwhelmed with bills and being an adult. I would consume myself in everything else so I wouldn't have to work on myself. Not like there is anything wrong with me or anything, I just have a lot of pent up emotions and stress from work and bills.

I miss being a child. When life was simple and pure. Wake up, go to school, come home to do homework and go outside. Let my imagination run wild. I made a little fort in the lilac bushes right outside of my old house. It was the coolest thing in the world. I also had 7 ducks that I would chase and play with at my old house. I had such a crazy imagination. I never worried about rent, electricity, water, cable, internet, phone, all those things that consume being an adult. 

I stress too much (-____-) I also hate how everything costs money now. EVERYTHING. Can't even drive to the park to walk around without putting gas in the car. and GAS is a bill itself. That is why I have started this blog :) It gives me a reason to go out into the world daily and find something to write about. Thank you to all my friends and family who have given me reason to continue pushing through and staying positive :D 

I LOVE you all! :D



  1. nicely worded, I know we'll both pull through! <3

  2. We can be big kid adults forever! I love you

    1. I'm a big kid now!! adult verion....:P I love you too!!!

  3. Yup, the 20's are such a transition time, realizing that being an adult is freaking hard. I know its hard to see it now (and people used to say this to me and I'd get annoyed...) but it does get better. Not the bills, LOL, they're always there...but dealing with them gets better. I went through a phase like this in my 20's too. I'd come home from work on a Friday and lock my door, pull the shades down and hibernate/not leave my apartment or talk to anyone until Monday morning work again. Turns out I was depressed and medication helped with it.

    1. It really has been quite a quest ever since I moved away from home at 18. -.- should have stayed a kid longer! haha! I am happy to know that things do get better, and I know the bills will always be there unless I live on the street :P But would hibernate the whole time on my days off. Now I am going out, co-worker lunch dates, going to the park, photography has been a HUGE vice for me. :) Stay tuned! more to come!
