Tuesday, January 21, 2014

----- To Infinity && Beyond ---->

Hello Lovies,

Today I will take you to the amazing place of "I-M-A-G-I-N-A-T-I-O-N" :]
Where I see myself in the next few years and what I see myself doing in that time. I honestly do not know where life WILL end up taking me but a girl can dream right??

I really want to go back to school this year, even just for a few classes each semester. Just to jump-start my learning engines. I, also, really would LOVE to pay off the rest of my car by the end of this year! That would be the hugest weight off my shoulders!!
I, also, really want to travel more! Florida, California, New Jersey (OF COURSE), etc. I love to drive and fly and travel around. One of my dear friends is currently in Japan and the stories he tells me make me fall in love with that country SO much more then I already did. My DREAM is to go there, and go to the cat cafe where while you are drinking tea, you are surrounded by cats!!! I would love to go to Italy too!! 
My main goal is to figure out what I really want to do with my life. To find out what my purpose of being put on this earth is. Why here, why now, why me. I have had so many questions flow through my head lately. I know I have a purpose...just what....

On the bright side, I am working on my next, fairly large, tattoo!! :) I don't want to spoil it, but I will say this -- It will be AMAZING. It really will reflect my childhood. It will cost a lot of money and time, but I am confident it will be sooo worth it! Cant wait for tattoo # 7 :)

Whaaaat else.....OH! I also am (hoping) to get a hedgehog in the future years :3 A cute wittle baby hedgehog! I love their little beady eyes and how they curl into a little ball! I could die by their cuteness!! x3 SQUEE!!!

I really do not know what the future holds for me, but I do know I want to continue doing these blogs and to eventually have the courage to vlog. YES. VLOG!!!! >w< I am pretty shy right now but I will bust through my shell and just record myself for you all to see, and ramble on just like these blogs :)

I love you all,


  1. Im your biggest fan! Cant wait to see it all happen

    1. :3 Thank you! <3 I cant wait either!!!! :D Love you, biggest fan!!
