Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Misery Loves Company.

I am juuust saying. 
When someone has their panties in a bunch, they love to bring others down with them. I just cannot understand why people who are jealous or upset like to get others on their side. If you want to be friends with someone, go out of your way to get to know them, not to make them turn on their own friends because you want them to think you are feeding them information they don't already know. I really hate that. How can someone be so two-faced to one person, then go and try to turn their own friend against them. I WANT REVENGE. UGH. SO FRUSTRATED. -___-
Sorry .___. on the bright side, I got some AMAZING Bobatea today (again!) I am addicted!! The almond flavor is just superb.....&& the guy who makes them is suuuuch a cutie!! I am such a sucker for Asians....HA! I brought along a few friends with me too! Well........on the other hand, today was an overall pretty dull day at work. Short 4 hour shift, felt like 10 hours!!! :P

Emma is doing great!! She loves Kale (that makes one of us xD) and she is a hoarder. I was convinced she liked the raisins I was giving her, but she was hiding them under her bed!!!! I was like..wait...whaaaat?!Only 5 more days until I can hold Emma :3 I cant wait! I am going to buy her a hamster wheel tomorrow! AND get my car the much needed oil change she deserves! hmmm what else....
 I really had a hard time getting over my writers block today haha. My mind was clouded with anger and hurt, and I didn't want to ramble on too much about that because I don't like being mad or upset. :) SO I will just block the negative people out of my life and press on with the positive. It is too early on in 2014 to get MY panties in a bunch :)